Sean Penn (1960)

American actor, screenwriter and film director.

* August 17, 1960 Los Angeles County, California, USA
 as Sean Justin Penn

Books on Sean Penn

Richard T. Kelly
Sean Penn, Die autorisierte Biografie
München, 2011

Richard T. Kelly
Sean Penn, His life and times
New York, 2004

Books with substantial mentioning of Sean Penn

Murray Pomerance (ed.) Shining in shadows Murray Pomerance (ed.)
Shining in shadows, Movie stars of the 2000s
New Brunswick, N.J., 2012

Yoram Allon, Del Cullen and Hannah Patterson (eds.) Contemporary North American Film Directors Yoram Allon, Del Cullen and Hannah Patterson (eds.)
Contemporary North American Film Directors, A Wallflower Critical Guide
London and New York, 2002

Tom Pendergast, Sara Pendergast (eds.)
International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, 3. Actors and Actresses
Detroit/New York/San Francisco/London/Boston/Woodbridge, CT, 2000

Tom Kummer Gibt es etwas Stärkeres als Verführung, Miss Stone? Tom Kummer
Gibt es etwas Stärkeres als Verführung, Miss Stone?
München, 1997

James Robert Parish and Don Stanke Hollywood Baby Boomers James Robert Parish and Don Stanke
Hollywood Baby Boomers, A Biographical Dictionary
New York & London, 1992

Books with an entry on Sean Penn

David Thomson The New Biographical Dictionary of Film David Thomson
The New Biographical Dictionary of Film
New York, 2003


Harlan Jacobson, Father and Son, in: Filmcomment, nr. 2, 2012 pp. 20-21

Articles on Sean Penn

Richard T. Kelly, Make-believe and the method, in: Sight & Sound, nr. 12, 2004 pp. 30-33

Articles with substantial mentioning of Sean Penn

High Times, in: Empire, nr. 161, 2002 pp. 30-31