Al Jolson (1886 - 1950)

American singer, comedian, and actor.

* May 26, 1886 Srednik, Lithuania
 as Asa Yoelson
 October 23, 1950 San Francisco, California, USA


Al Jolson

Al Jolson Davey Lee

Al Jolson

Davey Lee Al Jolson

Al Jolson Davey Lee

Al Jolson

Ricardo Cortez Al Jolson Dolores del Rio

Movie cards

Al Jolson

Al Jolson Davey Lee

Al Jolson

Al Jolson

Al Jolson

Al Jolson

Al Jolson

Al Jolson

Al Jolson

The Jazz Singer (1927)

Al Jolson - The Jazz Singer

Al Jolson - The Jazz Singer

Al Jolson - The Jazz Singer

Al Jolson - The Jazz Singer

The Singing Fool (1928)

Al Jolson, Davey Lee - The Singing Fool

Al Jolson - The Singing Fool

Mammy (1930)

Al Jolson - Mammy