Babe, a pig raised by sheepdogs on a rural English farm, learns to herd sheep with a little help from Farmer Hoggett.

Books with substantial mentioning of Babe

Jürgen Müller
Filme der 90er
Köln-London-Madrid-New York-Paris-Tokyo, 2001

Beth A. Fhaner and Christopher P. Scanlon (eds.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1996, 15th Edition. A Survey of the Films of 1995
Detroit; New York; Toronto; London, 1996

Books with an entry on Babe

Albert Moran and Errol Vieth
Historical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Cinema
Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Oxford, 2005


Nick de Semlyen, Babe/Babe 2: Pig in the City, in: Empire, nr. 263 (May), 2011 pp. 151 (DVD review)

Year: 1995
Country: Australia
United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0112431