The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

The carpenter Jesus of Nazareth, tormented by the temptations of demons, the guilt of making crosses for the Romans, pity for men and the world, and the constant call of God, sets out to find what God wills for him. But as his mission nears fulfillment, he must face the greatest temptation: the normal life of a good man. Based, not on the Gospels, but on Nikos Kazantzakis' novel of the same name.

Books with substantial mentioning of The Last Temptation of Christ

Ian Dixon and Brendan Black (eds.)
I'm not a film star, David Bowie as actor
New York, 2022

W. Barnes Tatum
Jesus at the Movies, A Guide to the First Hundred Years
Santa Rosa, Ca, 2004

Dawn B. Sova
Forbidden Films, Censorship Histories of 125 Motion Pictures
New York NY, 2001

Frank N. Magill (ed.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1989, A Survey of the Films of 1988
Pasadena, California; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988
pp. 179-182 info

Year: 1988
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0095497